Free tools for planning your disaster recovery strategy

INONI has teamed up with disaster recovery (DR) specialist Databarracks, to help them design and offer a suite of free DR planning tools.

Download our simple, 10-question checklist to assess your organisation's  current risk resilience

IT departments tend to focus predominantly on the technological aspect of DR and not the processes behind it. Without correct practices, even the most sophisticated of recovery solutions won’t provide you with the business continuity you require.

“Business continuity is the responsibility of the entire business, whereas disaster recovery usually relates specifically to IT” says Peter Groucutt, Managing Director at Databarracks. “IT teams have been guilty in the past of thinking about disaster recovery purely in terms of the technologies they use but that’s only half the story.”

The DR and disaster recovery as a Service (DRaaS) industry has grown significantly in recent years with the proliferation of cloud services, but businesses need to look beyond the technology, at the processes behind it. They must thoroughly understand all potential threats to continuity and devise a strategy to deal with scenarios, which should be communicated to stakeholders.

Large companies, with dedicated Business Continuity Management (BCM) teams, are well equipped to do this. However, smaller companies that can now access cloud-based DR services, can not always afford consultants or BCM tools that achieve such a level of planning.

That’s why INONI's business continuity consultant supports Databarracks, underpinning their powerful toolset with practical expert advice, to launch a suite of free DR planning tools. Designed to help organisations review their business continuity plans, identify gaps and visually display findings to the whole business, these tools will help IT teams start talking about DR with the rest of the business.

The IT Resilience Maturity Model, the Risk Register and Matrix and the Technology Dependency Map, based on elements of our business continuity management software, are free for any business to use, and will provide you with a clear direction for your DR and business continuity strategies.

Our 10-question resilience assessment will also help you assess your organisation’s ability to operate in scenarios of disruption. Download the assessment to establish your business’ resilience.

Assess your resilience now

Download your free BIA and BCP template